J.Rock Photography

J.Rock Photography
Model Photoshoot

Sunday, September 19, 2010

J.Rock Photoshoot

Just finished J.Rock Photographys' Model Photoshoot last night. Thanks to Bobby Rembert and all those who made it.  check out the photo's on my Oline Album @ http://jrockalbum.magix.net/album and just look under model. Also Thanks to my videographer Evita Leach .  Stay posted we are goin to do a fall Photoshoot in November so stay tune....

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sweet 15

Just finished Gabbys' Sweet 15 on September 11, 2010.. check the photos... on this page or on http://www.jrockphoto.com/.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Model Photoshoot

September 18, 2010 J.Rock Photograpy is launching a Model Frenzy Photoshoot with Bobby Rembert.. the theme for the Ladies is BEAUTY NOT LUST.. so please cover up.  There will be also a Video shoot . Interested contact me @ Graphic@jrockphoto.com or 3208975568 or simply http://www.jrockphoto.com/ and click the facebook link .... ATTENTION RSVP meet us @ 362 Larose Dr. Coatesville PA, 19320 @ 5:30pm. 

J.Rock Photography

September 11, 2010 J.Rock Photography & Navi Production is doin an event in Coatesville PA from 4-10pm  Check us out at http://www.jrockphoto.com/