J.Rock Photography

J.Rock Photography
Model Photoshoot

Monday, December 27, 2010

January 1st

New years is around the corner, and we have Mary Pflueger doing a maternity shoot on January 1st. also we have coming down to the studio Mariah coming down January 8th doing a Engagement Shoot... stay posted for the updated photos. please visit us @ http://www.jrockphoto.com/ ...

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas photoshoot

Had a great time yesturday with all who were in the photoshoot..check out the photos on my facebook@ jrock photos
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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Last night photoshoot

Just wanna thk u guys for last night.. shout out to Derlisha Lashay, Chantel tharpe, Leslie Rivera, evelyn colon, Tita and my most importat person My Wife marilyn Rodriguez.. also to Bobby Rembert (B&I Photography) and all those who showed up last night... emy and manny great shoot..my bro Momeen..shout out to my video...grapher... evita leach and my number 1 model Venessa Torres luv u guys follow me on my blog to knw when is the next promo shoot... CLICK HERE TO SEE LAST NIGHT PHOTOSHOOT http://jrockalbum.magix.net/album and go to Models and see everyones photos...

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Get ready B&I photography and J.Rock Photography is about to launch a model Photoshoot in "DA STUDIO" subscribe @ http://jrockphoto.blogspot.com/ Click "follow" if your not already registered and then click "ATTEND" . Saturday 12/18/10 starting @ 3:30pm)..(free 8*10 for everyone who registers)

Monday, December 6, 2010


Get ready B&I photography and J.Rock Photography is about to launch a model Photoshoot in "DA STUDIO" subscribe @ http://jrockphoto.blogspot.com/ Click "follow" if your not already registered and then click "ATTEND" ill keep everyone posted as soon as we set the date hope to see u there..

Saturday, December 4, 2010

J.Rock Photography

J.Rock Photography and NAVI production has launch it's first video. stay tuned for an upcoming photoshoot in the STUDIO...